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Page Revision: 06/03/2013 22:50

Welcome to the Fit Test Wiki!

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  1. Reducing the time it takes to fix bugs, add new features, and enhancements to iCIS
  2. Create a Glossary of Terms and Phrases, create unit and acceptance test suites, and create TestTemplates the tests can be easily reused with other sets of data or to use as a starting point for making variations
  3. Improve the accuracy and completeness of communications between all the role players
  4. Encourage DomainExperts to get involved with fulfilling these goals and to aid in the design of their requested feature or enhancement by creating and/or refining acceptance tests using the Fit Test Wiki. This is called Test Driven Development


The Fit Test Wiki is designed for ease of use and aiding in collaboration between all RolePlayers, DomainExperts, Developers, SupportTechs, and other Stakeholders in the project. Each namespace (the drop list at the upper right of the screen) in this wiki is devoted to a single product or external interface for generic content and client specific areas by adding the client's name to the namespace. This namespace is the namespace and this is where we define terms and phrases (a common syntax). The most important aspect of software development is communication. The next step is semantics. Doing "final bills" may mean one thing to some companies and something else to other companies. The utilities industry has naturally defined base syntax's semantics like a "final read". Pretty much everyone in the industry would agree that it is the reading of a meter used to calculate the usage for a final bill. We will not attempt to create a complete grammar but we do need some basic rules to effectively communicate. We need to agree upon the syntax and their semantics as used in the software and accompanying documentation. That's not to say the software or documentation are the final word on these matters. If we didn't get it right we'll change it. A Glossary of Terms and Phrases can be established here and voted on too. We still need a few rules though. Like, you can have multiple phrases that are semantically equivalent but to avoid ambiguity there can be no exceptions to that rule. That is to say we can't have a term or phrase with more than one meaning. Effective communications depends on it. 


By increasing the involvement of domain experts and improving collaboration with developers, testers, support techs, and other stakeholders we can all accomplish all of our goals more efficiently and effectively. This is the main goal of the Fit Test Wiki. It's very easy to add new pages and link between pages (See next section) making this an ideal environment for brainstorming new features as well as refining existing features and implementation strategies. As the content grows it becomes a repository of 'how to' procedures and data used in these automated test which can also be used while doing manual testing. Say we have a TestSuite proving how interest is applied to pay plans using various options and create a TestTemplate

How to Contribute

To contribute just, create an account and log in. You can use an alias name if you like. Something that indicates your role would be good. Email addressed will only be used by the system setting and resetting passwords only. By creating and account then we have a Texas handshake that deal that pledges the use of emails as stated above is true and will always be true. To contribute just click the edit button at the upper right of every page. Adding a link to new page and creating new page is as simple as add a few Wiki markup codes. Example: [NewPageTitle|new page title]. After the page is saved the text right of the | will be underlined. You can leave at that as a suggestion for someone else to with more knowledge of the subject to create the page or you can click on it and a page will come up with a 'Create new page' link you can use to create the new page and set the page title. See the Wiki Markup page for additional formatting options not supported by the visual designer/editor. Enjoy!

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