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This search, performed through 234.72 KB (49 documents, 2501 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Customers and the Testing Process: Functional Tests in Excel — 32.3%

Customers and the Testing Process: Functional Tests in Excel .style1 { width: 972px; } .style2 { width: 75px; } .style3 { width: 76px; } .style4 { width: 138px; } .style5 { width: 198px; } .style6 { width: 250px; } Customers and the Testing [...]

Main Page — 14.4%

Welcome to the Test Wiki ! Goals Reducing the time it takes to fix bugs, add new features, and add enhancements to Solution Create a Glossary of Terms and Phrases , create unit and acceptance TestSuite , and create TestTemplates the tests can be easily reused with other sets of data or to use as a starting point for making variations Improve the accuracy and completeness of communications between all the role players Encourage DomainExperts to get [...]

Client Database Utility Scripts — 5.3%

Client Database Utility Scripts and Procedures Database » Client Database Utility Scripts Backup and restore client security settings When to use this script Use this script to backup client security settings before rebuilding [...]

Developers — 5.0%

[...] at the Software Provider are working hard to implement legacy solutions using the .Net Framework 4.0 and the latest and greatest components available to create the Solution to be the greatest solution specialized for the Industry. We have application and SQL programmers that have been working on the legacy system since the very beginning decades ago and new C# developers including a C# expert with over 20 years experience developing in the point of sale and [...]

Kinds of Software Tests — 3.0%

[...] than listed here) that exercise various aspects of software from the UI down to individual classes and their properties and methods. Some tests focus on just one of QualityFactors of software like load testing. Which of the QualityFactors are addressed depends on the kind of test. For a more complete list with links to detailed articles check out Wikipedia . Unit Testing Unit testing is the testing of an individual unit or group of related units. It falls under the class of white box testing. It is often done by the programmer to test [...]

AdminNotes — 3.0%

[...] syntax to run fit tests If you want to copy this page in your own wiki, you can simply copy the markup and paste it into a page in your wiki. Note : actual table styles might depend on the wiki theme you are using. Note Pad Agile Manifesto New Methodology - 2005 Article by Martin Fowler SDLC wikipedia/wiki/Subject-matter_expert TradeOffTriangle InstantAccess DomainExperts BusinessAnalysts Roles Can you briefly explain the differences between a subject matter expert and a business analyst? Well, this is a really great question. [...]

Glossary of Terms and Phrases — 3.0%

|B|C|D|E| F |G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Z| A: Account - See customer B: C: Client - a client is an employee or the client company that works in domain the software provider is targeting. To avoid confusion 'client' and 'customer' should not be interchangeable as it would violate one of the primary tenants of this site, clear concise communication. Have a different point of view? Please contribute it here or anywhere on this site. You can [...]

Consultants/Installers — 2.7%

[...] office then anyone else. If the SupportTechs can't help then they have direct access to the Testers and Developers too. Every client's infrastructure is different and setting up the server and all the workstations is just the beginning. Setting up Active Directory for a new Apps security system can be a challenge depending on how it is setup. The server may be on one domain and Active Directory could be on another domain

Test Wiki — 2.1%

Ward Cunningham invented the first WikiWiki and is considered by many as one of the founders of object oriented programming. He also created a test fixture framework that uses tables for designing and testing procedures, data, and actions in common document formats like Word and Excel. What goes in the cells of the table and which kind of test fixture is used to test it depends on the goal of the test. There are 3 basic types of fixtures and [...]

Databases — 2.1%

[...] Integrity Scripts - These scripts can be safely used to verify the integrity of the master database and are being stored up for use by the proposed UBdbIntegrityVerifier tool Database Fixup Scripts - These scripts are normally one off scripts to fix a specific situation for a client. We can save them here in case there are needed again or can be adapted for similar situations. Database Utility Scripts - These utility scripts are designed to perform specific tasks and should be accompanied with instructions [...]

Trade Off Triangle — 1.8%

[...] Resources X Schedule X Features X In this model the example shows that the resources are known and fixed up front and schedule agreed upon with the client. The feature set is adjustable by the software company. Optional Scope Contract Source: Kent Beck The rule [...]

Support Techs — 1.8%

[...] Technicians Support techs have the widest range of responsibilities usually work from a knowledge base and with Developers to resolve client issues. They both benefit from and contribute to improving communication and collaboration daily. They have much to offer and much to gain but little time to spare as they are kept quit busy. So the best place to start is by discussing what they have to gain by participating in TestWiki . We can discuss what they have [...]

Test Driven Development — 1.6%

[...] so again we can go to Wards Wiki to see multiple points of view. It get's a bit technical at times and the bullet list below is an excerpt from Test Driven Development on Ward's Wiki . Think about what you want to do. Think about how to test it. Write a small test. Think about the desired API. Write just enough code to fail the test. Run and watch the test fail. (The test-runner, if you're using something like JUnit, shows the "Red Bar"). Now you know that your test is going to be executed. Write just enough code to pass the test (and [...]

Wiki Markup — 1.6%

If you want to copy this page in your own wiki, you can simply copy the markup and paste it into a page in your wiki. Text Formatting WikiMarkup Output Notes '''bold''' bold ''italic'' italic __underlined__ underlined --strike-through-- strike-through {{inline code - monospace font }} inline code - monospace font @@block code - [WikiMarkup] is ignored@@ block code - [WikiMarkup] is ignored ---- Horizontal ruler [MainPage|MainPage] or [MainPage|my link] MainPage or my link [++Dev.MainPage] [...]

Software Quality Factors — 1.4%

[...] in the ISO/IEC 9126 standard; functionality , reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, and portability. Functionality A set of attributes that bear on the existence of a set of functions and their specified properties. The functions are those that satisfy stated or implied needs. Suitability Accuracy Interoperability Security Functionality Compliance Reliability A set of attributes that bear on the capability of software to maintain its level of performance under stated conditions for a stated [...]

Business Analyst — 1.4%

[...] responsible for the following ( Source ): Discovering the underlying business need to be addressed and information related to the product and project requirements, often through conversations with stakeholders. Analyzing Requirements – Organizing, specifying and modeling the requirements to ensure they are complete and unambiguous. Specifying Requirements – Documenting the requirements in a [...]

Domain Experts — 1.4%

Domain experts in the Industry are of primary concern to any software provider and have the knowledge and experience in variations of workflows and procedures particular to their company. In our continuous efforts to improve the accuracy, performance, flexibility, usability, maintainability, and adding new features domain experts from first year employees to seasoned professionals have the knowledge [...]

Row Fixture — 1.1%

[...] compares rows in the test data to objects in the system under test. Methods are invoked on the objects and returned values compared to those in the table. The fixture processes all the rows of one table following these five steps: bind the columns to variables and methods by reflection. query to get the result rows which will be checked. match [...]

Instant Access — 0.9%

You can start adding content to pages and create new pages as soon as you register. You can use a fake email address if you wish but if you forget your password you'll lose access to all your history of changes. Wiki's are supposed to be anonymous so no one is discouraged from expressing their true opinions. For completely anonymous access use one of the built in role accounts (All of these accounts are associated with the admin's email address and history is shared by everyone that uses each account respectively User Name Password Display [...]

Quality Assurance Role — 0.9%

[...] Quality Software quality associated with usefulness for a particular purpose. This kind of quality is client centrist and is what they are paying for. Software quality is also defined over non-functional requirements as reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and portability. These are costs spent on the software provider side that clients rarely even think to much about but save the software provider cost in the long run. This set of characteristics is defined in the international standard for the [...]

Feedback — 0.9%

Please feel free to enter feedback on this Wiki or its content in the WikiFeedback and WikiContent Feedback pages. Edit either to see how easy it is to create new pages. After you save a page with a new Wiki link on it just click it then click the create page link and adjust the page title if needed and you are on your way. Click [...]

Wiki Content Feedback — 0.9%

Please feel free to enter any comments, complaints, and suggestions about the content of this Wiki site for the administrator here. If you are wondering who that is that would be me, as the domain name suggests, Bruce J Mack - .Net Architect and as of Nov 2013 the author of everything on this site. I've been doing this off and on for over six months. It's a good place to [...]

Test Data — 0.9%

[...] handy data needed to test various processes in the solution. The structure is based on the main menu and we build it up as need. Small amount of data can be inline but larger amounts should be on a linked page. Billing Account Maintenance Customer Customer Payment Process Charge Credit Card Credit card number to use while testing: 4111111111111111 For configuration info see Billing/Administration/Payment Information/Credit Card Tab below. Readings Batch Entries Periodic App Administration Payment Information Credit Card Tab Configure how credit cards are processed [...]

Batch Payments — 0.7%

[...] is the same as the due amount so ignoring it has no effect. The after due date amount is calculated (and can be ignored with the check box) is the amount accrued after the bill was printed and went past due without being paid up until it is paid. This [...]

Testers — 0.7%

[...] by clients. They work closely with the Developers so they have more information about the database and the system architecture but they still see it from the clients point of view. Testers can contribute test scenario variations with generic [...]

Sales Coordinator — 0.7%

[...] office. Like the Consultants , they are always on the road. They have their sales materials to guide them and even with the corporate office imposing high quotas they always have a smile for everyone. They are a special breed and their success is keeping everyone quite busy. They are very self sufficient so of any role I suspect they will get the least out of this site but they could contribute a lot to improve communications GlossaryOfTermsAndPhrases [...]

Wiki Feedback — 0.7%

Please feel free to enter any comments, complaints, and suggestions about this Wiki site here. I'm most interested in how I can make this site more useful in a practical way. I believe this Wiki has the potential to get Software Provider clients more involved not just in testing but in hashing out designs of their customization of the solution and many, many other types of collaboration too. So what do you think of the structure of this Wiki, do you like the free-for-all style [...]

Column Fixture — 0.5%

[...] names followed by procedures denoted by the (). The following rows has the values for the arguments and the expected results of the procedures. Wards' Wiki Column Fixture page After running the test it would look like this. Math.Calculator value1 value2 Sum() Product() Exponent() 3 2 5 6 9 12 4 Expected 18 Actual 16 48 20736 Checkout a live example on the test site where the test fixtures are being developed. Just click the 'Run Tests' link to run the test and [...]

Test Suite — 0.5%

[...] level class (also known as a type) then the most common kind of test is the UnitTest ( ColumnFixture and RowFixture ) but if it's a facade ( ActionFixture ) then procedural tests would be the most common kind of test. A UnitTest (or more tests) could be included too. A test suite could have just tests or it could be a composite of tests and [...]

Stakeholders — 0.5%

[...] This role is actually a collection of other role players such as lawyers, regulators, city planners, and other interested parties. Checkout the CustomerInvolvmentWithExcel page for in depth information on how Excel and [...]

ScrewTurn Wiki version Some of the icons created by FamFamFam.