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Databases Note that no script that can change the data or the schema of a database should be uploaded here. Use a UNC path to the imsoftech domain instead so that only the intended role players will have access to them. The only exception to this would be the proposed UBdbIntegrityVerifier tool which is guaranteed not to have any side effects that would alter data or it's schema definition.
master Database Integrity Scripts - These scripts can be safely used to verify the integrity [...]
Client Database Utility Scripts and Procedures Database ยป Client Database Utility Scripts
Backup and restore client security settings When to use this script Use this script to backup client security settings before rebuilding the security setup data for the version of the solution [...]
[...] is called Test Driven Development Explore new code frameworks
What's New New Tree Planted - Database This is a starting point for database integrity verification, fixes, and utilities for both master and client databases. It was created to store the first utility script Backup and restore client security settings . There is a procedure for changing some settings in Management Studio required for the process to work.
Communications The TestWiki [...]
[...] widest range of responsibilities usually work from a knowledge base and with Developers to resolve client issues. They both benefit from and contribute to improving communication and collaboration daily. They have much to offer and much to gain but little time to spare as they are kept quit busy. So the best place to start is by discussing what they have to gain by participating in
TestWiki . We can discuss what they have to contribute after that.
Find solutions to common problems that clients have Find the correct procedure to get the results the client [...]
[...] the example shows that the resources are known and fixed up front and schedule agreed upon with the client. The feature set is adjustable by the software company. Optional Scope Contract Source: Kent Beck
The rule here is to allow the client to have control of any two rows and the software company controls the third.
Client [...]
|B|C|D|E| F |G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Z| A:
Account - See customer
Client - a client is an employee or the client [...]
[...] class of black box testing. Usability Testing Usability testing is performed to the perspective of the client, to evaluate how the GUI is user-friendly? How easily can the client learn? After learning [...]
[...] If the SupportTechs can't help then they have direct access to the Testers and Developers too. Every client's infrastructure is different and setting up the server and all the workstations is just the beginning. Setting up Active Directory for a new Apps security system can be a challenge depending on how it is setup. The server may be on one domain and Active Directory could be on another domain and AD itself can be just a tree or it could be a forest. If the client has legacy software installed then the new updated can use that data and [...]
[...] chain industries interfacing both with various accounting systems. The first 10 years using C++ for client, server, and HHC platforms from the first version of WCE and PocketPC now known as windows mobile. The last 10 year developing client, [...]
[...] scenarios used by clients. They work closely with the Developers so they have more information about the database and the system architecture but they still see it from the clients point of view. Testers can contribute test scenario variations with generic and client [...]
[...] ColumnFixture Used to test an object's procedures with various arguments RowFixture Used to test database result sets ActionFixture Used to test [...]
[...] Quality Software quality associated with usefulness for a particular purpose. This kind of quality is client centrist and is what they are paying for. [...]
[...] accurate to two decimal places. A programmer test proves its behavior, so you send the software to your client certain that it will correctly calculate the [...]