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This search, performed through 234.72 KB (49 documents, 2501 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 6 results.

Customers and the Testing Process: Functional Tests in Excel — 48.8%

[...] it Work? The Framework for Integrated Test allows customers to write their tests in the form of HTML tables that can then be executed directly against the code under test. For example, a customer can use Microsoft ® Word to create a specification document containing various tests (entered into tables), as well as input values and expected results, as shown in Figure 1 . Figure 1 FIT Input - FIT Test Table in Word This HTML document can then be used as an input file for FIT, which parses the HTML and matches each table to a corresponding [...]

Wiki Markup — 36.6%

[...] wiki, you can simply copy the markup and paste it into a page in your wiki. Text Formatting WikiMarkup Output Notes '''bold''' bold ''italic'' italic __underlined__ underlined --strike-through-- strike-through {{inline code - monospace font }} inline code - monospace font @@block code - [WikiMarkup] is ignored@@ block code - [WikiMarkup] is ignored ---- Horizontal ruler [MainPage|MainPage] or [MainPage|my link] MainPage or my [...]

Wiki Markup Tables — 7.3%

WikiMarkup Output {| | Cell 1.1 | Cell 1.2 |- | [...]

Test Wiki — 2.4%

[...] of the founders of object oriented programming. He also created a test fixture framework that uses tables for designing and testing procedures, data, [...]

Instant Access — 2.4%

[...] is the Wiki Wiki style but you can also supply an alternate label like this instant access . See the WikiMarkup page and WikiMarkupTables page to learn formatting [...]

Action Fixture — 2.4%

Action Fixture An action fixture interprets tables for which the first column contains one of [...]

ScrewTurn Wiki version Some of the icons created by FamFamFam.